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Q. about Tier 2/3 bars & restaurants: NPC animations and attraction


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I typically make tier 3 restaurant the relaxation focal point of my settlements because (i) I like how it seems to attract unassigned settlers, as well as assigned settlers during non-working hours and (ii) I like the smoking/coffee drinkin/ paper reading NPC animations that play out in front of and to either side of the model.


Two part question: are the animations related to the tier 3 mesh, like some kind of attached invisible idle markers or are they elsewhere in the game records? Same thing with the attraction thing - part of the model or in the game records?


Also, does the tier 2 bar have the same animations and attraction thing as the tier 3 restaurant? If so, again, are they related to the model or elsewhere in the game records?


Okay, I guess that was 4 parts.


The reason I ask is that I'm thinking of installing an esp mod that switches the mapping of the tier 3 models to the tier 2 ones for my next playthrough. I use (and love) the replacer version of kellogfrostedflakes' Better Vendor Stalls (with clutter) but the tier 3 models take an incredibly high toll on the workshop budget. I'd be just as happy with his tier 2 models, since they look almost as good and use way fewer workshop draws/triangles (which I like to minimize) than his tier 3 ones. But I hate the crappy inventory that tier 2 vendors have compared to tier 3, so want to keep using tier 3 stores.


Since the esp just changes the models the tier 3 stores use, I figure it'll work fine with the replacer version of Better Vendor Stalls. But, with the restaurant, I don't want to lose the NPC animations and attraction features of the tier 3. If the animations and/or attraction thing is related to the mesh, and the tier 2 model doesn't have them, using the esp I mentioned won't do what I want. (Although it might be a relatively easy to workaround vai FO4Edit, i.e remove the tier 3 restaurant portion of the esp and just live with the regular tier 3 model for that particular store.)


Hope that all made sense. I asked in the esp mod's comments, but just noticed the author hasn't been active on Nexus since November so figured I'd ask here.


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It's under Furniture FORM ID of an object.


The settlers are attracted because of keywords. AO_TYPE_ATTRACTION or something like that is the keyword named. It calls settlers and makes them relax in the area of the restaurant. I tried to use this type of attraction for my custom vendor meshes, but the settlers were acting crazy, trying to get up onto the table. So unfortunately, it seems to only work with the BAR animation.


There's also WorkshopObjectRelaxation and FurnitureClassRelaxation keywords which make the settlers use the furniture if there isn't any attraction object like a restaurant.

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Okay, great, thanks & kudos! If I'm understanding correctly (alas, that's always a leap) that takes care of the attraction thing, so merely switching the model from tier 3 to tier 2 won't affect how the NPCs are drawn to the restaurant.


Still wondering about the idle markers/ animations.


BTW, I scoped out your custom vendor mod when I was searching around for tweaks to my current set up. Nice work!

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