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Rivet City Expansion


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First thing

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Well this whole idea came about when I was scrolling through the Nexus looking for stuff to add to my game when I saw a couple mods that added shops to the Rivet City Market. I looked at the pictures and realized that they would have conflicted. Thinking nothing of it I decided I would go back in game and figure out which would be more useful to me. I went to the market area and realized how limited it actually was. The Market is located in the hangar deck of the carrier. Which runs from just behind the bow (which is broken off in this instance) to the stern. So potentially I saw there was a way to add a lot more space to Rivet City. That started to get me thinking.


Here is a list of what I would do for a mod like this.

  • Customized Armor
  • Ways to expand the market area/hanger deck
  • Cooperation with BoS for technology recovery
  • More merchants (hopefully using other people's mods with permission)
  • A basic quest line to discover some hidden secrets of the carrier



The armors I have already started to work on because I decided to get artsy one night. Screen shots will be posted as soon as I can get them in game.

The basic Rivet City guard armor will be replaced with standard combat armor that is colored Navy Blue. The way I figure it they got the armor from the ship so it would be in the colors they found it. Why waste resources painting it black? Also with this transition to normal combat armor all the combat armor stats would be there, so the armor the guards would get would be a bit stronger and it would lose its +5 to small guns.


Another armor I have retextured is the reliable T-45d Power Armor. This is also in Navy Blue color but on the front chest-plate is the symbol of the USMC. This will not be found on normal guards as it will be part of the quest line. (I figure there has got to be a bigger armory somewhere else on the ship.) I figured I would add this because of "ship to ship" combat in which case the marines might need an edge to push the battle in their favor.


There will also be a slight modification on the radiation suits found onboard. Just a simple U.S. Navy stencil sprayed on the back.


Any other ideas of standard fallout armor to modify for this would be appreciated, I would stick with Pre-War stuff for anything to be found on the carrier itself.

Ways to expand Rivet City


Ok first there is expanding the hangar deck which is going to be an interesting task due to the way that the existing market place is set up. There is walkways where you really wouldn't want to find a walk way on a hangar deck, same thing with some of the columns. But yeah expanding the hangar deck would be one of the focal points for this mod to either increase the amount of merchants in the area or to have them set aside for other uses (Training facilities, things like that)


I thought about where the mid-ship deck rooms are. They are too way and actually would interfere with the hangar deck so they would either have to be compressed into a more vertical space or moved down a level and have a level that would fit the area above it. This could add more people to actually make Rivet City look like it has people. As far as my memory serves the only people in Rivet City that don't have a name are the guards. It would be nice to have more people around. Also What I see is that where the Mid-ship deck is is only accounting for one side of the ship, so there is the possibility to expand to the other side as well.


Cooperation with the BoS


What I thought about here was the fact that Rivet City is in possession of one of the United States most advanced pieces of machinery and aren't really tapping into it as much as they probably should be. What I purpose here would be that the Brotherhood offer to trade services for access to technology. For example the carrier's jets just sit there and do nothing, if the Brotherhood could get them figured out, fixed up, and ready to go it would be a great counter for the Enclave's Vertibirds. Maybe with a few scribes helping out the staff of Rivet City much more technology can be recovered and put to good use by both sides.


Any ideas in this general area are also welcome.



This is actually more of a sub set of the Expand Rivet City bullet but there are plenty of ways to add new merchants to Rivet City, I think for this area anyone that has a good merchant mod that they would like to see included should reply and we can be sure to get it in there in some form. Now I know that after revisiting Vault 101 that you can get Butch as a follower and he can cut you hair, and if you tell him its time to split ways he will go to Rivet City and the Muddy Rudder, I know for a fact that aircraft carriers are floating cities and in fact have their own barber areas, so maybe having a full time barber there would help (because I'm not letting that ghoul from Underworld touch my head).




Now what I purpose for this all to happen is that a quest needs to start with the question "Why isn't the whole structure of Rivet City being used?". I think maybe a good place for this quest to start would be Pinkerton in the bow of the ship. Maybe there is a mirelurk infestation on the lower decks, more maybe there is a hole in the hull that needs to be patched and the water inside needs to be pumped out. There is a lot of potential for this area of the mod, things can be discovered like the ship's main armory, maybe with some new weapons. Or maybe a secret project can be uncovered that could change the fate of the wasteland should it fall into the wrong hands. Maybe someone will try to activate the ship's reactor core, maybe someone will sabotage it to ruin Rivet City forever.


With all this said there is a ton or work to be done and a lot of fine details to be worked out first, but I thought I would throw the idea out there and get some community feedback on it. So if you guys have anything to say about it or any ideas you want to include do not hesitate.


P.S. I will be adding those pictures of the armor in the next couple days.

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Sounds like some good ideas. I await this mod with interest.


Would really like to see SOMETHING done with those empty rooms off the Market area, They always bothered me - surely there was something they could be used for.


Noting that, before the War, the ship was supposedly a naval museum. So, there could be quite a variety of gear to be found from various eras. There would have also been some interior changes made when the ship wa converted to that role - which might explain some of the oddness you mention. Plus more alterations that might have been made when Pinkerton & Co "re-settled" the ship.


Actually, the whole museum thing would have been an excellent "cover" for secret projects pre-War - just seal off whatever sections were needed, personnel could come and go with the museum staff and tourists, and all equipment could be moved in or out as needed (crate or cover them up, label "for restoration" or "for future exhibits", and nobody else would really notice).


Dunno if this would fit in with your plans, but I rather like the idea of there being a great big "War Room / Command Centre" someplace - probably not IN the ship but bunkered below it.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Secret door in a wall leading to sealed off labs separated from the ship to do experiments during the war like 7thsealord said (some object nearby is the trigger, perhaps a model of the ship or a lighting fixture). Once you clear the labs and other hidden areas of the fruits of their experiments (and the possible Mirelurk infestation to the lower decks), you can get people (new npcs and old wouldn't be too hard i'd think just resetting the patrol/idle areas/paths) to move into the new portions of the ship, maybe even add some experimental goodies that BoS would want and convince some scribes and BoS troops to come over to study and protect the place. I'd also add a door to the science lab leading to the hydroponic gardens (a room the size of the laughable small hangar deck).

If I could keep the GECK working on my comp I'd do it, but something keeps eating the files.

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