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Bugged Casting Animations


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For reasons unclear to me, my character's animations seemed bugged--specifically, casting a destruction spell from either hand looks normal, but the second I start moving, the animation is completely replaced by the normal moving animation, so the spell just comes out from a spot some distance away. Once I stop moving, the proper animation comes back.


For a while, I assumed the game was just glitched like this, but then I saw an NPC doing the same thing, with the proper animations.


Using a mod like "BetterTurnAnimationOnlyOnePose" fixes it so that turning doesn't break the animation, but doesn't fix moving. The Channeled Casting Animation Mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=580) has no effect--the game simply refuses to recognize it and relies on its existing animations. I've tried deleting my animation folder, which results in no change, which seems to suggest that this isn't a mod (where else would the mod have been installed?). Anyone know what might cause this? Is there something in my game refusing to accept modded animations?

Edited by Synthesis
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