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Sword of 1K Truth problems. Need help.


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Hi Folks,


I'm updating the Sword of a Thousand Truths, improving it's textures and geometry by a massive amount (in anticipation of Skyrim), but i've hit a snag...

The blade of the sword is mirrored 4 ways. Each quarter of the blade is an instance of another, with UV-maps also mirrored. Nifskope seems to have NP loading that model, but i'm wondering if it supports mirrored texture coordinates?


The real problem is that the hilt of the sword is created as a seperate entity from the blade, complete with it's own UVmap and textures.


I like jury rigging the sword over the bumpersword.nif. But the Bumpersword is a solid mesh, thus only needs 1 UV Map, and 2 texture maps....


How does one go about creating strings to accomodate the extra maps in a .nif?


Will i need to export both the blade and the hilt as seperate .Obj?


God forbid I would need to export all 4 quadrants of the blade as seperate .obj, then glue them together in Nifskope effectively having it count as 5 modules, working in unison.....

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