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Remake of great Oblivion house "Villa Talblick"


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Hi there,


I used to have a very nice house in Oblivion called "Villa Talblick". It's a German mod, so maybe most of you don't know this mod. What's so special about this house? The house itsself is a normal cosy home with a room to sleep, a small library, a kitchen, nothing special. But the cellar was somehow awesome and that's the greatest about this house:


On the first cellar level you had a long corridor with some doors at the sides and one door at the end. The clue was that the doors names were "Light armor with one handed weapon", "Light armor with bows", "Cloaks with mages staffs", "Heavy armor with two handed", "City guards armors" etc. I think you get it. In this rooms were pedestals for mannequins and tapestries with the names of the armors on it, e.g. "Iron Armor", "Glass Armor" and especially names of unique sets e.g. "Umbras Armor", "Dragon Armor". At the end of the corridor you had a door with a storage room. Some displays, bookshelves, alchemy tools and a large storage area with chests named after the things you can storage, e.g. "one handed weapons", "soulgems", "potions", "ingridients" etc.


Second cellar level was the same structure, but without anything written on the tapestries. So you could storage all the great armors from mods. In my opinion one of the best houses for all the collector freaks out there like me. Unfortunaly I haven't oblivion installed, so you have just a few screenshots down there and of course a link to the Oblivion mod "Villa Talblick" itsself.


There are many house mods out there, but for me this mod is the greatest house mod ever made. You can be sure to collect every vanilla armor in game and have it stored at the right place. I remember that I was somehow happy everytime I found a missing part of an armor


If anyone is interested in rebuilding this great mod I can install oblivion and make some more screenshots.


Download "Villa Talblick" for Oblivion

Edited by Xentar
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Seeing that you came back after so much time you must be really interessted in this. So how about doing it yourself? Install the Creation Kit if you haven't and start reading some tutorials. Start playing around in CK. It doesn't need to be perfect at your first try. Maybe start with a smaller house or with one room for Villa Talblick. Noone was born a modder. You were willing to wait for this for six months, I think you can get your own house mod working in less time.


Happy modding!

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