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A mod where carry weight really affects player speed?


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Hello all,


I'm a little bit disappointed with the way player speed is currently affected (or UN-affected, rather) by the amount of stuff you're carrying.


299 pounds of equipment - I can still run like Usain Bolt.

300 pounds of equipment - Help! I can't move!

Talk about the straw that breaks the camel's back...


What I'm looking for is a mod that completely removes the concept of "maximum carry weight".

A mod that will give you vanilla running/sprinting speed for... let's say 100 pounds of carry weight.

Under that weight, you're running faster and faster. Over that weight, you're getting slower and slower.


Wouldn't that make more sense?

I know Skyrim isn't meant to be realistic, but come on!

There's no reason why carrying half a pound of extra weight should reduce my top speed from 500 to 80.


And as for the "fortify carry weight" potions and enchantments, maybe they can be used to change the "base" weight value.

Example: Boots that increase carrying capacity by 20 will give you vanilla speeds at a weight of 120 instead of 100.


As for the technical aspect, I realize that player speed is directly linked to NPC speed right now.

So perhaps we need to wait for the Creation Kit.

But can it be done? And is anybody interested in doing it? :smile:

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