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Nord Blood mod


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Me and another modder are working on a cool new idea over at darkcreations.org. It's called Nord Blood and we aim to make a new village in Northern Cyrodiil, with it's own mystery. We are making a (hopefully) detailed questline to discover who the culprit is of a string of murders. The quest will take you deep into this village (although from the outside it doesn't look too big) and you'll get to know some interesting people along the way.


We are looking for people to help with quests...and just quests for now. Our forum is here: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/136-nord-blood/

Sign up here: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/1204-job-board-sign-up-here-to-help-with-the-project/

If you'd like to give us ideas please post them here: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/1205-ideas-let-the-people-have-their-say/ or on this thread.

Edited by Leemerful
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That other modder is me :biggrin:


So far we have part of the town designed, only 3 houses and a mead hall. A NPC has been designed by 62firelight(me) and 2 interiors are complete(though 1 does not have NPCs) Leemerful(poster above) is working on the last 2 houses. We aim to complete the town first and then make quests(if we get enough quest designers) This mod is going to be a (hopefully) amazing mod when released.



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You guys do not really sound like you have a lot of cs experience... Well, I can help - but only for a couple of weeks probably. I prefer msn communication, but other methods work for me as well, pm me about contact methods ;]

I can do models, textures, everything in the cs [please don't make me do AI - it bugs me] and everything in between.

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OK, I'll just inform Leemerful when he goes on. Oh and I have a bit of experience with CS, just that I have more experience with Morrowind's. And can you post in the job thread as a 3D modeler or quest designer. We only have a tiny bit of progress with the town and we are also taking this project slowly so we can take our time and make this mod amazing :thumbsup:
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