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Ferelden Medels problem


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  • 2 weeks later...
Make sure you have all the required mods installed. Maybe he's missing some scar or tattoo textures. I'm a total fail if it comes to these sort of things, but this was the first thing that came to mind, hehe. Hope I helped in some way.
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It looks to me that you don't have the skin color/texture. Check your chargenmorphfcg.xml file. Make sure that whatever skin color or texture you're using is correctly resourced. This is also a good chance to see if you've complied all the mods needed for Ferelden Models correctly. Checking with CharGenMorph Complier allows you to check over your .xml and helps to remove bad references that could hinder your game play.
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  • 3 months later...
I have the same problem, but i can't really figure out what i am missing. As far as i know, i installed all the required mods....is there a way to know which one i miss (other than reinstalling all of them, of course)?
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Not only do you have to obtain and "install" all the required pieces, they have to be integrated into a single chargenmorphcfg.xml file that the game uses to determine appearance resources and settings.


Did you use the ChargenMorph Compiler program, or did you try to edit the .xml by-hand?

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you dont need to use the chargenmorph compiler if your only porting in a mor file. Just having the required mods in your override folder is enough to make it work.


In this case you are missing a texture included with dracomies 'final zevran version' from dragon age redesigned. Install the final zevran version to fix it.


(if you don't actually want to use the zevran face, just use the toolset to edit the erf file it installs, and remove em_genfl_zevran.mor)



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