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Ultrawide Monitor, Flawless Widescreen, and Mod Organizer


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Hey, I am currently suffering from a strangely specific issue concerning mod organizer. I have been playing skyrim for a while now on an ultrawide 3440x1440 resolution monitor and have been quite enjoying it. However, about two days ago I decided to switch from NMM to Mod organizer due to all the crashing and issues I was having. While it took me a while, I learned a ton about the game that I had never known before and was very happy with my install by the end. However, when I launched the game, I noticed that I was running in a defualt 1920x1080 resolution. I tried fixing this by reinstalling the flawless widescreen fix and it worked, my resolution had been cured. However, I now had the problem where it seem that the entire game was shifted to the right such that I could only see about 3/4 of it on my screen. When I started the game, the new game, options, load game, and exit option were all out of view and after I managed to start a game, my menu's opened such that only part of them where visible. My character model itself seems fine although it looks as if the fov fixes provided by Flawless Widescreen hadnt taken effect. I took to google and found that the problem was most likely related to mod organizer using its own preference ini's for skyrim. There seemed to be some solutions available but they all seemed to be for SSE and I didnt understand them fully anyway. Anyone have any idea how I would go about fixing this for regular skyrim?


tl;dr : Skyrim displays incorrectly at ultrawide even with flawless widescreen when using Mod organizer


i7 cpu

Gtx 1070

16gb ram

2 tb hdd

3440x1440 monitor

using skyui and mod organizer

Have legendary edition of skyrim

Edited by ADMB2480
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Alright I managed to figure out the solution and thought I would share it in case anyone else ran into the same issue. Turns out that flawless widescreen makes zero changes to the game ini's files to fix all the issues with the exception of changing the resolution. However, since mod organizer creates its own skyrimprefs ini file, flawless widescreen is unable to properly make the changes to the resolution. In order to fix this, install the skyrim ultrawide fix through flawless widescreen and then go into the skyrim prefs ini within you my games folder, your steamapps/common/skyrim folder, and your mod organizer/profiles/(profile name) folder and find the lines isize H and isize W lines. Using notepad or whatever your preferred text editor is, Change the values directly after isize H= and isize W= to whatever your monitors resolution is. For example, I had to change mine to iSize H=1440 and iSize W-3440. You will have to do this three times in total, once in each skyrimprefs ini folder. Lastly, if your having trouble finding the lines in your skyrim prefs ini file, use ctrl+f and type in "isize" in order to find them.

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