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[ALAGAËSIA]-TCM-Official Mod Thread


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i hated the saphira in the movie...


in fact i just hated the movie, such a shame, with the cast they had it should have been amazing.

Yeah, my favourite favourite image of all of the dragons to be honest are the book covers, at least the english ones :/ they are the only ones i know.

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Didn't enjoy the feathered wings, but other than that I thought they did a brilliant job. She felt warmer than the dragon on the cover. Don't know what it was, maybe it was the more rounded pupils, the very forward-facing eyes, or the flexibility in the scales of the face, but she felt like a living character. I was disappointed too... stupid producers convincing a first-time director to make a story-based movie into an action flick... apparently if you watch it with the deleted scenes inserted back in it isn't half bad. I was furious when they implied the Saphira might have died- made me want to demand my money back and delve into the book for a month to blot out the imagery. In any case it should have been great with that cast it was just... *sigh* that 'Eragon' dragged the whole picture down. It reflected badly on everyone, and I like the vast majority of the actors in the film.
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hey man, managed to remember :P


now, not wanting to hijack your thread or anything, spoiler tags are going to hide everything!



okay, when i use zbrush, i actually try to make the most basic shape that i can right at the start... low poly, evenly distributed polygons, it doesn't even always have to resemble what i'm aiming to make! i also try to break it down into smaller groups which are much easier to manage (for me, anyway).


so my dragon for example is made of many subtools, about 15 in total. this allows me to go into great detail on each subtool, and only focus on one piece at a time if i choose to. notice as well how very basic each subtool starts out.



as i start to subdivide, it's crucially important that i push each division as far as i can, getting as much shape as possible before moving to the next. a lot of people new to zbrush don't do this, and they end up with a blobby looking finish. it's almost a trying to run before you can walk syndrome.



and then finally once i've got all the shape i need i move onto the finer detail. start out from the inside and work outwards... so you'll want to work on skin detail first, any protruding blood vessals, wrinkles in the skin and such. then you can work on externals like scales and things.



when you're working with zbrush, focus purely on making it look how you want. don't worry about poly flow or anything like that. just get the model looking the way you like. more often than not your high poly will look very different from your original low poly, which is why i have the simplest low poly blockout possible to begin with... why make a complicated low poly if you're just going to have to redo it later, right?

once the high poly is done, you can then build the final low poly around it, zbrush has a built in retopo tool to do this, or if you're more comfortable in an external program, do it there instead! this is the point where you focus on edge loops and topology, look how different the topology is on my final mesh compared to when i started.



if you need anymore help or advice, let me know dude. also, if you're interested, there's a forum i frequent which is run by game designers for game designers, a lot of people there are full time studio artists who live and breathe this stuff. i'm just a freelancer at the moment, one day i'll be good enough to be full time :D





Edited by Almightygir
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