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Can someone replace the Minutemen's weapons with Skidbaada's weapon pack? And make compatible with W.A.T.M


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Offering money to get someone to make a mod is against the Terms of Service.


Additionally, such sums are usually the equivalent to chinese sweat shop wages due to the number of hours that need to be invested in making most mods. Such offers serve more as insult than incentive. Sorry. That's just how it is.


And, lastly, it is also against the law to port assets from one game to another, or possibly (in this case) to take assets from another author without first acquiring their consent to do so (assuming that author has not used assets from that other game to make their own assets).


Posts in this section of the forums are intended to present ideas to mod authors in the hopes that a mod author will read it and like the idea in the post enough to invest their time and energy into it.

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You would be better off contacting both authors and see if something can be patched.


As flowerguy pointed out we can not just mash up others work without permission.


What you are asking would require rewriting level lists as well as possibly script work.


It is usually easier for a original author to edit their own work.

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