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[WIP] Joinable Silver Hand faction/questline


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Right now, myself and a friend are kicking around ideas on creating a mod for when the CK comes out, and we had both decided on a questline involving the Silver Hand, because as a Companion, you only see the fact that they are werewolf hunters and are apparently "no better than bandits", to paraphrase UESP's article on them. This is the rough sketch on where the mod is going to go.



Joinable Silver Hand faction and quest line:

--Have the choice to join the Silver Hand and cleanse Skyrim of the werewolf menace. Fully joinable faction and quest line, allowing the player to rise through the ranks leading up to the eventual storming of Jorrvaskr and killing Kodlak Whitemane, head of the Companions. As you rise in the ranks of the Silver Hand, you will learn of their history and receive all the perks of being a member, including superior weapons and armor that only the most elite Silver Hand members can wield.

--Will be a fully voiced mod with varied quests involving: clearing out werewolf dens, intelligence gathering on the Companions, and more, each with different ways to complete the quests (something which the vanilla game was severely lacking for the most part).

--New locations, including a true base for the Silver Hand (Driftshade Refuge and Gallows Rock will remain as outposts)

--New NPCs, including named members of the Silver Hand’s upper ranks, known as the Silver Council. Fully fleshed out characters will be included.

--New weapons and armor for the true werewolf slayer as you rise through the ranks; these are static items and are not leveled. Recover the fragments of Wuuthrad and choose to either destroy them or reforge them into a completely new weapon

--Fully reactive faction and quest line: this means that once

you join the Silver Hand, you are barred from joining the Companions and can never become a werewolf.




My friend (mgel.runs) is working on the location building, and I'm working on quest and dialogue writing. So far, I have written out dialogue and outlines for the first 3 quests and are going to begin working on this first half once the CK comes out.


Any ideas, comments, thoughts, or offers of help would be great, as while this would be our first mod, we're ambitious and have high hopes. We are throwing this out here to see the response a mod like this would get, so anything you guys could offer would be appreciated. :)







Added March 3, 2012






Edited by OhSorryOldHorse
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One thought, the game designers went out of their way to make them evil. (heads on spikes torture rooms ect) will you try to reverse that design choice or roll with it. making them very fanatical? Also what are your ideas on why the silver hate the four or so generally honourable werewolves more than the host of far more despicable vampire clans that dot skyrim
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One thought, the game designers went out of their way to make them evil. (heads on spikes torture rooms ect) will you try to reverse that design choice or roll with it. making them very fanatical? Also what are your ideas on why the silver hate the four or so generally honourable werewolves more than the host of far more despicable vampire clans that dot skyrim


I feel as though the game designers didn't do that good of a job portraying what the rest of the Silver Hand is like. For all we know, they could be composed of mercenary types looking to earn some gold, or they could be composed of warriors who feel they are doing a righteous and noble deed, or anything in between. That's the impression I personally took away from it. The higher ups in the Silver Hand could very much be aware of the torturing and killing of innocents and while it's something they don't like, they tolerate it nonetheless. I see them being gray in terms of morality, a secretive but self-sustaining entity.


The reasons for the top members in the Silver Hand (whom we refer to as the Council of Silver) is something we're planning on explaining thoroughly, but since I'm not willing to divulge the exact ones, I will say that they have all been personally affected by werewolves in one way or another. What conclusions you may draw from that, I won't agree or disagree with, but we hope to make it

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The Silver Hand are perhaps led by vampires ?


I like this idea. Maybe you could make them actually evil, and all the members are thralls of uber-powerful vampires? An idea, although maybe not what you've got in mind. I like it, personally.

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The Silver Hand are perhaps led by vampires ?


I like this idea. Maybe you could make them actually evil, and all the members are thralls of uber-powerful vampires? An idea, although maybe not what you've got in mind. I like it, personally.


Definitely not what I have in mind, but there will be a side quest outside of the main quest line that may or may not involve a vampire. :whistling: Over on Bethesda's forums, we have a topic about our mod on-going over there and folks are getting really deep into the Silver Hand's intentions, methods, and personnel. It's actually kind of interesting, and is serving as a gauge in which I'm going to write the dialogue and NPCs.

Edited by OhSorryOldHorse
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