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[WIP] Joinable Silver Hand faction/questline


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got a mic? Add me on steam. Though I cannot directly help you I'm sure I can answer questions here and again share ideas and such :)


Steam: "lXI JD lXI"


Yeah, I got Steam but no mic haha. OhSorryOldHorse, if youre interested and if theres a different means of communication (like a text-based IMing thing or messaging). I do have some issues with scripting I'm trying to work out

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i'd like to help in any way I can is there anything that you guys need done?


Currently, we're doing the bulk of the work, such as building locations, writing dialogue and planning out how the quests are going to go. We're good on that. My friend, who is mgel.runs on the bethesda forums in our topic on there, has an account on here but hasn't posted yet, but you can see our Beth forum topic here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1335639-wip-joinable-silver-hand-factionquestline/


He's been responsible for most of the awesome layouts and environments thus far, and I've been responsible for the writing portion (I've been writing in different mediums for most of my 20 years of life lol). However, we do have two areas we're still trying to get some specifics nailed down on.


~Actually writing the scripts for the quests. We have very little experience in doing this, as well as little knowledge of scripting languages in general (what knowledge we do have stems from the tutorial on the Creation Kit wiki). We have some pretty big ideas for our Silver Hand mod, including drastically altering the ability to join the Companions after joining the Silver Hand, and changing up some of the events that happen in the Companions questline. We don't want to break our games, so if you're an experienced scripter, that would be awesome.


~We're also looking for voice actors to do dialogue for our characters. I have a few of my friends who's voices were in my head when writing specific characters, but we do need a lot more folks who could contribute. Currently, I'm looking for someone who could do a convincing voice for a Nord, Dark Elf, and Khajiit. If you're interested in any of these, message me and I'll give more details about that race's character/personality/what have you.

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Also, here are some more pictures of what we've been working on. Keep in mind some of this could change.


Argentum - An ancient city of the Dwemer that was being built right up until their disappearence, hence why part of it is a cave and part of it is built. While excavating inside the mountains, the Silver Hand came upon a room with a Dwemer door, and found themselves inside an unfinished Dwemer city. They set up inside, carrying chairs, shelves, furniture, black-smith equipment, etc and took up residence. Much more can be uncovered by the player in the mod. And now for some screenshots:







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I think it's a great idea to flesh out the silver hand, an opportunity sorely missed by Bethesda!


Methinks one could expand on the silver hand as a group dedicated to destroying what they deem "Evil" by nature, e.g they could hunt werewolves, vampires and witches... and bring the purification!


it'd be cool to have random autonomous parties of silver hand battling werewolves or the like out in the skyrim world.

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