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[WIP] Joinable Silver Hand faction/questline


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YES!! i want it.

as i look on it exprementing on the weredoggy would be perfectly justyfied as they are a bunch of wolf hunters they need to experiment to find new way so to kill them and protect themself.

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Couple of updates, with this first bit being to whet your appetites:


-Approx. 10 fully voice-acted NPCs; 6 fully fleshed out individuals, with 4 fully voiced supporting characters (this last number could increase)

-15 brand new quests; 10 main, 4 side, 1 repeatable radiant

-6 brand new locations; the main base of the Silver Hand will be the biggest


Just a little something. Also, the first dungeon is 95% complete (just need to work out some stuff with a werewolf and cleaning up the navmesh), we have a good portion of the NPCs created (with probably a few more to be added if need be...on a side note, I'm really annoyed that the FaceGen in the editor is less customizable in terms of the shape of the face), and we've begun work on the Silver Hand's actual main headquarters.


Note: For those who may bulk at the small amount of NPCs, quests, and locations...it's quality over quantity. It's also a relatively small number for me and my buddy to work with because while we're new to modding, we're picking up on things quickly.

Edited by OhSorryOldHorse
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Couple of updates, with this first bit being to whet your appetites:


-Approx. 10 fully voice-acted NPCs; 6 fully fleshed out individuals, with 4 fully voiced supporting characters (this last number could increase)

-15 brand new quests; 10 main, 4 side, 1 repeatable radiant

-6 brand new locations; the main base of the Silver Hand will be the biggest


Just a little something. Also, the first dungeon is 95% complete (just need to work out some stuff with a werewolf and cleaning up the navmesh), we have a good portion of the NPCs created (with probably a few more to be added if need be...on a side note, I'm really annoyed that the FaceGen in the editor is less customizable in terms of the shape of the face), and we've begun work on the Silver Hand's actual main headquarters.


Note: For those who may bulk at the small amount of NPCs, quests, and locations...it's quality over quantity. It's also a relatively small number for me and my buddy to work with because while we're new to modding, we're picking up on things quickly.


i suport that it is quality as maybe you could after this mod let other people make dlc to the mod sort of like use this as a base and make more quest to an mod that sound awesome?

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Good to see someone working on a Silver Hand mod. I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't join the silver hand or the vigilants of stendarr and the closest thing to a vampire/werewolf/undead hunter was being Meridia's champion. I'll have to give your mod a shot when you get it up and running. Good luck!
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Good to see someone working on a Silver Hand mod. I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't join the silver hand or the vigilants of stendarr and the closest thing to a vampire/werewolf/undead hunter was being Meridia's champion. I'll have to give your mod a shot when you get it up and running. Good luck!


Thanks for the support!


Here's the full update as promised:


Another update:


-Navmesh completed for the first dungeon. All that is needed is to place an enemy and it's done.

-One new NPC created, bringing the total at this point from 7 to 8.

-Work on the first section of Argentum, the Silver Hand's headquarters is almost complete except for some cluttering and navmeshing.

-Work on the primary section of Argentum has begun, though not complete by any means.


As it is, we're moving rapidly.

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this would definitely compliment the werewolf mod bloodmoon rising (I think) If I ever get done my project I'll be sure to lend a hand scripting or something :thumbsup:


Hey, any help is always nice. I'm trying to wrap my head around scripting right now, and it's killing me lol


Specifically, trying to get an actor to appear behind the player during a certain stage of a quest and forcegreet the player, but having moved from a vanilla location to a new location added by the mod. Can't figure out for the life of me how to do this.

Edited by OhSorryOldHorse
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