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CK Error when attempting to make new scripts - the parent script doesn't exist please choose one that does

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As said above, the message when I try to make a new script is: the parent script doesn't exist please choose one that does


I get it when clicking "OK" on the image below, no matter how I fill any of the text boxes. In fact I'm not even sure what goes in the "namespace" area. Any help would be appreciated!




The script I'm trying to add to it after by the way, is to make the cell itself immediately count as "cleared" for workshop purposes. It's:

Scriptname LocationClearedScript extends ObjectReference

Location property LocationToClear auto

Event OnCellAttach()

Event OnCellAttach()

Edited by nikashubaiton
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namespace sometimes screws with scripts and causes them not to fire :/ sadly... so i'd leave namespace blank just to avoid problems.


Also sense your attempting to paste the whole script bit in the source, you'll want to name your script the same as the snip, LocationClearedScript


Alternatively, you could add a DefaultDummy into the cell, size it to cover part of the area (im assuming your still doing this for your workshop) and add the script DefaultClearLocationOnTriggerScript when the player walks into the space the defautdummy is covering, the location you set in the properties of that script will be set to cleared. You can resize the default dummy by having it selected in the render window and pressing 2, this will bring up the size gizmo, just drag the arrows to size it in the different directions.


This would keep it compatable with consoles :)

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