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A Town Called Salem "Witch Trials" (Read entire Request for extra idea)


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Hey, guys!

It's weird that no one has requested this mod but I'm just going to take a crack at it... Feel free to add more ideas if you want.

How bout a mod that adds a town called "Salem" where it takes place in the 1600's. it could have witch executions, the town's folk hunting down the witches with torches and pitchforks, etc. Extra voices saying stuff like "Burn Her", "Burn The Witch", etc. actually burn the witches they find with this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78266/ hang the Witches, make Witches have stealth so they can be hard to find and stuff, every Witch has a different strength, abilities, spells, etc. and maybe it could have a quest where you encounter a powerful Witch Boss that is immune to burn because of a spell she made with the Blood Moon, etc. Satanic Rituals. maybe have them take the children away for the spell of the blood moon. Um, yeah... let me know what you guys think of this idea.


you can grab an idea on this series called Salem https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=963&tbm=isch&sa=1&btnG=Search&q=salem#spf=1


Extra Idea: You can put Hansel and Gretel as Companions/Followers to assist you in in the quest and mini quests, etc.

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