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Human Blood


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Human Blood Bottles like in Oblivion. Harvest-able if possible. sometimes u can't just go and fast travel and feed before that stage 4 hits and the time intervals when u have to feed are just too short. like 3 days per feed should be able to sustain a vampire or like a blood gauge that you can fill up by feeding and it will last 3 days.
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Human Blood Bottles like in Oblivion. Harvest-able if possible. sometimes u can't just go and fast travel and feed before that stage 4 hits and the time intervals when u have to feed are just too short. like 3 days per feed should be able to sustain a vampire or like a blood gauge that you can fill up by feeding and it will last 3 days.


Yea, I miss those too in Skyrim. When the construction set comes out I guess I'll look into this, though I'm not good with scripting but its worth a shot.. I assume something like this can't be too hard, just gotta make the potion do the same effect as when you'd bite someone.

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