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[LE] how to make Serana able to join the Blades?


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Almost a year ago I've posted a request for a mod, which allows Serana to join the Blades, but nobody helped me with it. Meanwhile I was trying to figure out why she can't join them in the 1-st place. I couldn't find that out tho.

Perhaps someone will help me in this sub-forum?

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The question is why should Serana join the blades faction?


Serana is content from DLC1, she is a vampire. She has attached a unique follower script and some others which are not easy to redesign.


Blades are content in vanilla Skyrim. They are a part of the main quest line.

Did you ever seen the mod "The Paarthurnax Dilemma"?

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I managed to put Frea into the blades, why wouldn't I put Serana there too?

I checked the Dilemma mod just now, but don't see how is it relevant to this thread.



She has attached a unique follower script and some others which are not easy to redesign.

and that's why I need help. I don't know how to do it...

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I am not sure, whether the next script is what you need. Maybe it could be helpful to understand Skyrim scripting and mod creating.




Scriptname XYZ_SeranaJoinBladesAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias  
{written by ReDragon 2017}

; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5527242-how-to-make-serana-able-to-join-the-blades/

; Workflow, how to?
; -----------------
; open Creation Kit,
; if all is loaded check Skyrim.esm, Update.esm and Dawnguard.esm as master files
; create a new quest, make sure it runs once only at start
; add there a new alias
; fill alias with unique actor Serana
; attach this script to the created alias, and fill property
; save your work for example: "SeranaJoinBlades.esp"

  Faction PROPERTY BladesFaction auto        ; use autofill, should find FormID [FACT:00072834]

; -- EVENTs -- 2

EVENT OnInit()
    RegisterForSingleUpdate(10.0)       ; 10 sec waiting (after game has been started)

EVENT OnUpdate()
IF (BladesFaction) && self.GetOwningQuest()
    Debug.Notification("Serana does not join the blades!!")
    RETURN    ; - STOP - missing property /or/ owning quest is not valid, maybe mod has been uninstalled
    actor aRef = self.GetActorReference()

    ; http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=IsInFaction_-_Actor

    IF (aRef) && !aRef.IsInFaction(BladesFaction)
        Debug.Notification("Serana joins the blades faction..")



Edited by ReDragon2013
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