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Khajiit Guidelines?


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I am plotting to have a Khajiit wizard / merchant sell the spells I plot to make for a mod once the kit's been out for a bit, but I'm not 100% certain how to make him feel authentic. Here are a few things I'm wondering about:


- How to pick a name that sounds like it's of Khajiit origin.

- Whether he should refer to himself in the third person, or if that's just something J'zargo and M'aiq.

- What's up with the tension between the Khajiit and the Argonians? It was referenced in a wiki, but I'm having trouble finding details, and it could wind up impacting some of his dialogue.


Any help with the above or anything else you think I should keep in mind when designing a Khajiit wizard character would be appreciated. I already know he's going to be proud of his accomplishments as a wizard, as I read it's more difficult for the Khajiit to achieve such prowess in magic so darned skippy he's going to have some pride about the effort he put into it.

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Thank you, that's very helpful. There's way more in that last link about barbed sensitive areas than I ever cared to know, but any knowledge about the Khajiits is potentially helpful (though I doubt that particular detail will ever come up in his conversation tree).
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Kitty! =3



"In my travels I have encountered several khajiit outcast from their clans that have taken up residence in Skyrim. They have been most unhelpful, probably for fear I'd expose their locations. I can't say I'm surprised that there are few khajiit here, it's cold and unwelcoming."



"The Mane, while the unofficial head-of-state, is no more a "breed" of Khajiit than any other is, he is simply unique.[9] Khajiit tradition holds that only one Mane may be alive at any one time, since the Mane is one entity reborn in different bodies with the passage of time."

- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Khajiit

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