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Maybe NNM Bug


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Sorry if this isn't the place to post the topic, I'm a little lost with the forum. I have an issue that I'm very suspicious that it's NNM. If i uninstall or reinstall a mod, some folders will remain that i can not in any way touch, I can't open it, I can't delete, I can't change owner, all this because i get Access Denied. I posted this in windows forum but no one responds. Now i think its NNM because it's only with files NNM touches, ontop of that, thinking it was win 10, i reinstalled everything, and just now i ran into the same problem again, i reinstalled an animation mod and FNIS can not access the folder from that mod. if i want to get rid of the folder I have to uninstall the mod, and restart my system. I'm using NNM ver 0.63.13

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Nice, didn't think I'd find the answer there. I just found it weird since on my first windows 10 install i never had an issues with folder being blocked with either Skyrim or fallout 4. this problem occurred during my second and third reinstall of win 10 which still had steam and Bethesda game and all its mod related software in Program File (x86), same as my first install. Seems inconsistent.

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Actually, moving it out of Program Files (x86) didn't work for me. just now trying to resolve an animation problem i reinstalled Realistic Movement mod and while in FNIS it said Access to path XXX denied, went to the folder and it denied my access just like before, again, can't touch the folder.

EDIT: Well after looking around at Microsoft I Found out that one of the reason i might not be able to modify or delete a file or folder could be because the file is corrupted. It would make sense since the folders or files only become inaccessible after NMM "deleting" the mod, and disappear after I reboot. Is there a previous version of NMM i can try that work? I tried NMM 0.61.6 but I couldn't open it, had to reinstall 0.63.13

Edited by jeremiahp15
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I've been getting the exact same problem as you. Windows 10, I originally installed nmm in program files, not working. Reinstalled in recommended location. Changed drive letters, security access to admins/users. Tried removing UAC, even disabled it in the registry. Reinstalled mods. None of it worked. Almost certain it's nmm.


Sometimes I can access certain data folders, sometimes I can't. Roll the dice. Something is just messed up and I don't think it's a coincidence that someone else encountered the same problem as me around the same time. Honestly, is it really that hard to plop mods into the data folder? At this rate I'll just do it all manually or use mod organizer.

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Well, I found out I don't have to reboot, just log off and log in. Starting to think it might be win 10 not refreshing, holding a path to a folder or files that don't exist anymore, but I can't figure out why the same folders. With Realistic Movement, if i uninstall, the folder for the animations always stay unless i log out and in again, but other mods don't have a problem. and btw, manual install is usually easy, but some mods that have a lot of options is hell to manually install.

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I tried simply logging off and back on and unfortunately it didn't work for me.


When I turn EnableLUA (UAC) off, I restart the computer and everything works fine. Next time I restart the computer everything is still fine. 3rd time, something automatically changes the value of EnableLUA back to 1 and Skyrim data files are once again inaccessible "Access is denied".


I get that UAC is better to have on than off for "protection", but it's nothing but a hurdle for me right now. Admin rights do nothing. Webroot antivirus was preinstalled when I got this computer and I think it was messing with security settings. It was a pain in the butt to uninstall and there are remnants in the registry, idk if that has anything to do with it. In any case I never had problems with nmm and accessing data files in windows 7.

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I just uninstalled all mods from NMM, but there was 1 mod that i had to log of and back on like 5 times, each time a different folder was denied, until it all got removed. after that when i went into the data folder, half the mods had some folder left with access denied, so i just rebooted and still had a bug tho, with win 10, it said i need admin rights to delete the folder, but if i first delete the empty folder within the folder, i could delete the main folder without needing permission lol. right now im in the process of reinstalling all the mods with wrye bash and mod organizer. If i have no issues, my finger would be pointing at NMM again, the whole access denied is only when NMM uninstalls or delete files, but i have no problem manually deleting the file before NMM touches it.

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Well, idk what the f*#@ to say. started up skyrim and it would ctd, started a new game and said SKSE wasnt running, so i reinstalled it and it lost all the SKSE plugins it had, tho there was an old access denied folder, so i logged off and on again and pretty much skyrim disappeared, there was half the folder of a armor replacer and thats its, SKSE folder was empty, even wrye bash .EXE got deleted. I never had a problem when i first got this laptop, all this skyrim problems started after i decided to factory reset win 10. A whole game disappearing is new to me.

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Looks like windows 10 was to blame. After the latest update everything is running smoothly again for me.


Edit: nvm, the problem is back...


Program files, Program files (x86), Users, and Windows are jacked up, full control and modify should not be getting unchecked after granting all privileges for OS subfolders and files. Am I just being stupid and missing something?


Anyways, I might just move steam out of program files (x86) later so I don't have to deal with this anymore. But for whatever reason I'm sure that won't work either.


I give up :sad:

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