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konahrik cannot be obtained-bug


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So i am in Labyrinthian.I equip the wooden mask and teleport back in time.I see the pedestal for the 8 dragonpriest masks and i place them all(i have them all).But nothing happens... :(

The head in middle remains down and doesn't reveal Konahrik..I reloaded-reequiped-fast traveled-disabled all mods...nothing works.. :S

Any help plz?

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console? you got them all so it wont be cheating to use it to get konahrik


yeah did that allready..but still...it's a glitch..


I just experienced the same problem on a PC. Put all the masks on the pedestals, from left to right, nothing happens


I did have to load my wooden mask, as my orig one went poof in my house as it was being displayed on a table. But, the loaded wooden mask teleports me back in time, with no issues.



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