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Can't find plugins folder to delete plugins


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I'm constantly getting this message whenever I try to load skyrim, "The Old Unofficial Skyrim Patch is still installed!", and I already deleted it from my mods and from my mods folder, but I still get this message. I checked in my plugins tab, and it says that it's still there, even if it's disabled. I have USLEEP now, so I don't need the old one. So I need to find my plugins folder and completely delete the mod, but wherever I look, I can't find anyway to get to this folder. I've searched it up, searched my mods folder, everything, but I can't find it. I really don't want to have to delete all my skyrim mods, especially since I just spent 3 hours installing new ones.

Please help! I can't play skyrim right now and it sucks :sad:



Btw, I can't click the button to just skip the notification. For whatever reason, it is stuck behind the big skyrim logo on the front screen. I have 1 pop up before that, and it lets me click it because it's not stuck.

Edited by Izthewiz01
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There is no "Plugins" folder. Plugins and other data added by mods are stored in "Skyrim/Data". esp files like the one you are looking for will be directly under "Data". Textures, meshes and so on are usually stored in subfolders.


To find the "Data" folder, you will have to locate Skyrim. It's usually under Steam/steamapps/common. Using the search function of the Windows Explorer will help you, if needed.

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  • 11 months later...

Actually there is a plugin folder. If you use SKSE- the location is (at least mine is) Steam > steamapps > common > skyrim > data > SKSE > Plugins

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