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To Kill An Empire Start Bug


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Hello i really need some help ive been going threw the dark brother hood quest line and have just beaten the Recipe for Disaster quest and the next quest (to kill an empire) wont start ive tried the setstage thing and have disabled being a vampire ive tried everything i can think of and just cant get the quest to start. If any one has any ideas please fill free to help me. I've already spent over an hour trying to get this damn thing to work. Any ways thanks for any help.
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Help me for the love of god!!!!



Can you give some more detail? What did you attempt to set the stage to? Have you tried finding out what stage that quest is currently at? Does Astrid have any quest dialogue? Does anything happen if you wait for a few hours (in-game)? Did Festus tell you to go talk to Astrid at the end of his dialogue? Did you skip through Festus's dialogue when you turned the quest in?

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Help me for the love of god!!!!



Can you give some more detail? What did you attempt to set the stage to? Have you tried finding out what stage that quest is currently at? Does Astrid have any quest dialogue? Does anything happen if you wait for a few hours (in-game)? Did Festus tell you to go talk to Astrid at the end of his dialogue? Did you skip through Festus's dialogue when you turned the quest in?


Sure i tried to set the stage to db09 5 that is the start of the dialog for that quest the quest has not started its glitched and ive finished the last quest but To kill an empire will not start. i've even tried setting the stage to db09 200 and 250 to see if i could just skip the mission ( although id hate to do that) but it didnt do anything. Festus's gave me the ring and its been days with out the dialog showing up on Astrid. Also i didn't skip the dialog with Festus. So any help would be helpful. Thx.

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I have the same problem. I finidhed Recipe for Disaster quest but I don't get automaticly the next quest.

Setstage won't be work also because the kill an empire quest not in my journal so I can't change the stage of the quest.

Also I load an earlier save and tried it again but I didn't get the quest.

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I read on another forum that maybe the War in Skyrim do this. No matter if the WIS don't run anymore (I stoped to use WIS long before I start to do Dark Brotherhood quests) if once it was installed and use for a time than the quest won't start anymore. If it is true then it very odd, how can the WIS stop a quest working even if I uninstalled it long time ago. They said also if it right then can't fix it.
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  • 2 months later...

Im having a similar problem...so ill outline everything as clearly as I can...Ive downloaded a mod from Nexus for Dark races...Im the vampire, and have also Downloaded a long Hair mod from this site.

The problem is that during the quest "To kill an Empire" I get to the stage of speaking to the chef in order to poison the emperor's food...Obviously u need the appropriate chef's attire and hat...

The problem is the chef doesn't recognize that Im wearing the hat...So the quest doesn't continue...My only theory left is that It's the mod hair...this setstage cheat...

How do I go about skipping forward to the scene where the Emperor is at the table so I can Kill him???


Hope someone knows the answer...thank you for your reply ;)

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  • 7 years later...
This does not fix that Bug, but at least it allows you to bypass the Bugged DB09 Quest. Just move to a location away from the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, and use the console commands:
CompleteQuest DB09
SetStage DB10 10


Hello i really need some help ive been going threw the dark brother hood quest line and have just beaten the Recipe for Disaster quest and the next quest (to kill an empire) wont start ive tried the setstage thing and have disabled being a vampire ive tried everything i can think of and just cant get the quest to start. If any one has any ideas please fill free to help me. I've already spent over an hour trying to get this damn thing to work. Any ways thanks for any help.

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