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LW2- Editing Shocktrooper perks


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The game will read from the standard INI files in the mod folder (XComGame.ini, XComEditor.ini etc.) Any unique-to-the-mod INI files would have to be defined in the mod's scripts somehow (I don't have Mod Buddy).


So the way I'd see this working is to re-point the ability at that rank from one to another using the XComClassData.ini (standard INI file).


I haven't actually done this though. Maybe someone who has will come by but this Forum's pretty dead.

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Yeah, I was pondering trying to find a way around it editing both LW's ini and Shocktrooper's but I am not completely sure what I should do there. And yeah, unfortunately I don't think this forum is too active.

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I -think- there is another way around it. I am not sure how easy it is to edit the AWC ability tiers, but I do have a mod you can choose which AWC ability you will get by paying some supply. So I could add the Phosphorus perk in the tier 1 and see what happens.

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