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Mod Request: Extreme Gore + Sound and Death Animations (Fallout 3/NV)


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If you are like me and watch Dexter. You will understand "The Need"

I like to forfill my need by smashing skulls, cutting people to pieces and watching blood spil from them.

Its just a gaming fantasy of mine Lol! Not real :P!


But like Fallout 3/NV it was extreme satisfying to smash peoples heads in with a slegehammer and watch there eyes and jawbones come flying out of here face.

It was also very nice to be able to explode there limbs with hammer too. And slicing people up with a saw was also very very enjoyable.


Skyrim has some brilliant death animations that could be taken advantage of to be able to slice people up and smash limbs and heads off :)!

Also I think so need head popping sounds should also be added as well as the ability to just slice arms and legs off anyway.


Basiclly, is it possible to take all the animations, sounds, guts and gore from Fallout 3 and put them into Skyrim?

Or at least recreate them?


This mod would be lovely!


Yes, I am a very sick person when it comes to video games!

Also if this mod does come around, please make it work on children also. I would love to incave there faces in with a Warhammer :3!


Thank you!

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