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Pach 1.04 causes mouse sensitivity to go out of sync


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I just updated to patch 1.04 and now the horizontal and vertical sensitivity on my mouse is out of sync. The horizontal sensitivity is fine but if I so much as barely move my mouse up or down I will be looking at the sky or the ground. I've already checked and it's not being caused by any mods that I have installed. Has anyone else had this problem? If so let me know how you were able to fix it because it's getting really annoying.



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Haven't noticed a mouse problem with 1.04.


However, have you noticed that after using it, the date of the bsa files changes from 2012 to 2008?


There're NO viruses on my system - just hope there are none in the Steam download. (Incidentally, Steam should permit one a download option, inbstead of doing this automatically).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Black Handle!

May be this helps you-try to use FPS Limiter here in the Nexus File Section.

This was my comment to the author of FPS Limiter




Thank you so much for this file!

I installed Skyrim a couple of days ago and as I started the game my mouse-especially in the menue-just swam around like beeing drunken! I just could hardly control the mouse in the menue, and also playing there was a severe mouselaging-especially in houses or dungeons.So for about 3 days I cheked all kind of forums and tried the recommended initweaks like (iPresentInterval,bmouseacceleration,vSync-and so on) Nothing really helped -it was a bit better-but not really good-or at least playable. After a couple of minutes i got headache playing with this mouselags and the menue.Fortunately in one of the threads ina forum-i read about your FPL and I installed it for a last try!-because I was nearly about to throw the game out of the window.

Well -what can I say-with your limiter installed-its now much much better! Nearly no mouselaging and-especially the navigating in the menue is much much better-I can control the mouse nearly normal!

I did set all the ini settings to default -only the bmouseacceleration=0 I kept.

So now it works like it should-or at least nearly!

Thanks again

My system( Notebook Asus G74sx,W7 64bit.GeforceGTX560m,Geforce285.64driver,SSD160Gb+750gb

Harddisk)Core i7-2630.


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