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Is there anyone out there who would be willing to make some modifications on existing content?


See, I do a Batman play-through, and I have a few ideas for some mods, mostly adaptations of existing content. The idea is no killing, if it can be avoided....except Ferals, Supermutants etc




I am however quite new at this and haven't made any mods yet with the GECK. But I keep getting ideas, so would someone out there be willing to help?




First thing....

Can the Batcave from this New Vegas mod be adapted for Fallout 3?




Also, could the Batsuit from this mod be adapted.




(Actually ALL the outfits for Fallout 3 would be awesome)


I have a few ideas about additions....A Vertibird hanger. A outer, vehicle parking area and exit.


I have some ideas for adapting Batarangs from Asharas Mod. A Taser Batarang for stun effects...etc


Also, anyone considered making rubber bullets? A series of low damage ammo and weapons.


Im suprised nobody has made this a working vehicle.




Finally....Anyone want to try come up with Bat Power armour? A Bat Sneaking suit?




A F3 version of This?


Lots of ideas guys, and looking for someway to make them into some fun mods, just lack the skills at the moment.


Any interest?


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Essentially the mods I use involve Electroshock, energy, sonic, and chemical weapons.


As much as I enjoy firearms, I think the idea of doing a no killing play through appeals to me. As I said in other posts, as cool as a Nucelar Minigun sounds, after 10 minutes of blowing stuff up is boring.

Edited by willgillies
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