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Tweaked out .ini settings causing crashes?


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Hello, new to posting on the forums, but I have been lurking around here and the Nexus sites for a while.

Just got the new update (no more Skyboost, I guess?) and it runs pretty good, but I keep getting random crashes

and I think my tweaked to all hell .ini settings are the culprit. It feels sort of... presumptuous to ask this of the community, but

I really want to play and I need some help.

Here are my Skyrim.ini settings :


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and my SkyrimPrefs.ini


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I'm usually pretty adequate at mods and tweaking, but these settings are from an amalgam of guides

and independent research that may or may not be wrong, and most certainly conflicts on some level.

Any help offered would be very much appreciated.

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You seem to have added a lot of data to your ini files, and as you've guessed, something is causing problems. My next move there would be to reset your uGrids to 5 default by doing this -


Start game as normal.

Alt-Tab out of game (persevere with the alt-tabbing as it doesn't always work first time in my experience).

Whilst alt-tabbed out of the game, and it is still running in the background, go to your Skyrim.ini and reset "uGridstoLoad=5", and alter "uExterior Cell Buffer" to default 36.

Save Skyrim.ini.

Alt-tab back into game and open console- type "refreshini".

Save game and exit.

Delete both Skyrim and SkyrimPrefs ini files.

Restart game so both files are reconstructed. Test play and see if any crashes persist.


Are you modifying the game in other ways? Are you sure it isn't a mod you've added recently? Are all mods up to date, latest versions of SKSE, Script Dragon, etc.? Although the game probably wouldn't start without those being compatible...


My ini files



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Hope this helps!

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