Bloddwynn Posted April 12, 2017 Share Posted April 12, 2017 So, I'm trying to mod Skyrim and there are some issues I can't figure out.First time I tried it and it failed over and over again I quit it, uninstalled Skyrim, NMM and all the Mods in there are seperatly uninstalled and deleted.Second time I tried very hard to find the problem wich is (and was) the CTD when I tried to enter riverwood (the way right before you can see it, not everytime CTD), when I press ESC (not everytime CTD), press M (not everytime CTD) and try to teleport myself via map (not everytime CTD). You can see, because it's not everytime that it happens I really don't know what to do.I tried out disabling all of the installed mods one by one (List at the end) but nothing helped. I tried to chance the order the plugins have to load, nothing. But then I discovered that there are the plugins of the mods I installed the first time, but not after reinstalling everything. I can't delete them and I have no clue why they still there and how to remove them.I really hope theres someone who can help me fix that, it really bothers me. I tried BOSS & TES5Edit, but for real, it seems that I'm too dumb to use it. And my language skills are for this kind of thing too bad.Other things: CPU, GPU and RAM are laughing 'bout Skyrim. Permanently 60fps. Currently installed Mods:Crash FixesCBBEFNISHDT (Physics Extension - HighHeels System)RaceMenu (ShowRaceMenu - Alternative, ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer - The Coenaculi)Realistic Ragdolls and ForceSkyUISMIMXP32 Maximum SkeletonSKSEKillable ChildrenNARC - No Animals Reporting CrimeNo Killmoves - No Killcams - No KillbitesNo Spinning Death AnimationOneTweak (second Monitor is still scrolling when I'm in the game :/)USLEEPAnimals83Willows 101BugsHD (+Patch)skyBirdsUnicornForest Mounts and FollowersAnimationFaster Get UpFeminine Running and New DashHold Your Torch HigherLifelike Idle AnimationsPretty Sit IdleBuildingsCanal HomeDarkwater DenDragon Cliff ManorDragon Falls ManorDruid's DenHouse fpr Witches and DruidsLevelers TowerCheatsA Matter of TimeAll EnchantmentsEternal TorchFaction ClothesHelmet ToggleHYBRID - Be both Vampire Lord and WerewolfLockpick ProNo Enchantment RestrictionsPickpocket Always SuccesfulRing of InvisibilitySkills ConfigUnlimited EnchantmentsCosmeticBetter Vampire Lord TransformationBetter Vampire Fangs and EyesExtended Slider ColorsFinal Younger CharactersKJ TattoosButah Tattoo PackSakura TattoosTattoo Model Suicide GirlTheHAGs Privat Tattoos for CBBEEyes of AberPretty LipsDwemer BeardsKS HairdosBetter CiceroItemsAlchemist CompendiumCN AccessoiresHouse Decorations - Plants and FlowersMore Plants Add to Plantable PlantNecronomicon Ex-MortisSkyrims unique TreasuresOverhaulA Quality World MapA True Arcadia's CauldronAirdale Dogs ReplacerBreezehome Fully UpgradableCoverwomen (+ Lace Warpaint and New Lips)Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar SanctuaryEnhanced Blood TexturesEnhanced Night SkyrimFemale Mannequins (Extracted Files Mix - Female Mannequins at Home)Flowery DragonbridgeMore Colorful (Alchemy Plants - Ferns - Trees)Nexus Community Loading ScreensRadiant and Unique Potions and PoisonsSuperior Lore-Friendly HairTowns and Villages Enhanced (Riften - Riverwood - Solitude - Whiterun - Windhelm)The Dark Brotherhood Resurrection Part 1Succubus RaceColorful PresetEnhanced Lights and FXAnd all the DLC's Mods that are showing up in the Plugin-Folder that shouldn't be there:Wrath Of Nature.espKRZ - Better Archmage Quarters.espvImmersiveBeds.espvImmersiveBeds - HFDG.espDenassaG_MageRobes.espOpulentOutfitsV2Universal.espOpulentOutfitsSet2Dark_UniversalAddon.espOpulentOutfits_AIO-2016.espCastle Volkihar Rebuild.espSnazzy Furniture and Blutter Overhaul.esp (I can turn it on (but why?!) and all the orange ones turns black)SFCO - Castle Volkihar Rebuild Patch.esp (is orange)OpulentMerchant2.espbook_seller.espSFCO - ELFX Patch.esp (is orange)OpulentOutfits_Replacer-2016.espDenassaG_MageRobesBoots.espWCCO_All.In.One.espOpulentOutfitsV1UniversalReplacers.espDruidessentials.espCollegeOfWinterholdInnersive.espOpulentOutfitsSet1Dark_UniversalAddon.espSFCO - Immersive College of Winterhold Patch.esp (is orange)CWIELnFXPatch.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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