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MIKU Quest chain


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For people who cannot wait and want to picture it in their head. click the spoiler.




Investigate Miro Tygira Quest

Started Investigate Miro <whats new?> Nothing, well uh, actually. We did get a new book lately. but i have not read it yet, here take a look.

Book: Legend of Miro added

Read Book: Legend of Miro

Ask Urag gro-Shub About Miro <May i have more Information on this Miro Character?> (sure here you go)

College Logs: Miro tygira added

Read Logs: Miro Tigira

Ask Urag gro-Shub About The Star Gems

<What are "Star Gems" in this doccument talking about?>

(oh, Your asking about Miro's work? he only Created unstable oblivion and flawless gems. he was unable to create a working one so he gave up, submited them as his work and graduated 3 years early.)

<oh, and how would i make these?>

(did you even read it, it tells you how in the book)


Obtain a Regular Star gem

Craft an unstable oblivion Stargem

Craft an Unstable Flawless Stargem

merge Flawless Stargem

Craft an imperial sword

Craft the Oblivion and flawless gem

Craft the Enternity Gem with the imperial sword

Obtain The Sword of Enternity

Talk to Urag gro-Shub and tell him you have created the Sword of enternity

Optional: Give the Sword of Enternity to Urag

(alright now can you create Perfect gems?)

Craft Oblivion Stargem

Craft Flawless Stargem

Craft The Oblivion Stargem with the Flawless Stargem

Craft the Everstone with the Imperial Sword

Speak to Urag gro-Shub

(nice work, You are truly smarter then miro, haha just kidding. he learned all that just from scratch. you had to be told what to do.)




Enterinity Sword

Sword of Talos

The Ability to Create Star gems

The Ability To Craft all MIKU weapons

3000 Gold



The book


Nope. :) wait and see noobs.


Edited by Mironic
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