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real-time carriage rides


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Bot would be best :D

Being able to take a nice ride through skyrim in the back of a carriage and encounter carriages on your ways as well.


I agree, a mod like this, the 1st person horse riding and the real 1st person view mod which allows you to look down at yourself would really up the immersion in this game. I could not believe these features were not included in the game as standard.


First person horse riding, the closest you can get to it so far: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10122 - I helped test it and I was the one who said it worked after going through a dungeon. But you might just be able to go into a city and back out to make the script work.

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Yeah I'm already using it. It's great, I'm yet to use fast travel since installing it! On a side note, that particular mod fixes horse riding for anyone using the 'real 1st person view' mod (still very buggy due to only being an alpha) so you can ride them again and not simply look at their hooves.
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Well, as far as I know there is somebody working on something at least similar to this.

Only found the mod in the workshop tho. It's called natural carriage drivers plus shacks.

So far it adds small shacks next to each carriage, so that the drivers have somewhere to live and do not sit on their carriages all day and night.


According to his to come list, he's working on optional cutscenes and encounters on the way.


I also heard rumors that Bethesda is working on this topic as well. But I can't find hard evidence about it yet.

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I've been screwing around with it as well. At this point though, I'm still trying to get the tetherhorsetocart script to actually work. No matter what I do, when I attach the horse to the cart, and then go into the game to ride the horse, the cart gets left behind. ~rolls eyes~. Yes, I realize a couple of people have already made that work, and I literally JUST downloaded one of the working mods to check out.


What I WANT to do, is allow the drivers to drive you real time through Skyrim to your destinations. However, I would also like to include the ability for the drivers to stop at night at the nearest inn, rent a room, and set out again the next morning for people that have a Primary Needs mod. I would also like the drivers to stop the carriage when an enemy attacks it (this would be optional) but then they could leave the carriage and fight instead of getting pelted with arrows to death by bandits. And if the driver DOES die, I want the player to recieve an optional quest to return the carriage to a base in one of the cities, where a new driver will spawn.


Here's the catch though, so you all don't get your hopes up: I'm pretty much a N00b. I did some very basic mods for Fallout 3, New Vegas and Oblivion, but its been a long time...and when I say basic I mean "basic". I have a very general idea of HOW to write scripts, but I've never written one. I also have a general idea how to quests, but again, I've never written one. I know how to modify AI packages, but never did anything extreme with them. So yeah, if I end up making this mod, it will very likely take me quite a while (I've got a six month old baby, too) and two, it probably won't be that great on the first release. So, hopefully, someone with more experience than me will get it completed first. But, all the same, I thought you guys might want to know that someone is, at least, screwing around with the mechanics of this. Just don't cross your fingers.

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Wow, that sounds very good already.

Unfortunately I haven't got any modding skills at all, so you're way ahead of me.


If you could make it work it would be awesome. But no pressure. I appreciate the time and effort you spent so far.


As I said I can't assist you with any modding, but I offer any assistance I can provide apart from that, like testing alpha or beta versions or just trying to find some motivating words ;)


Thanks so far.

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This is a great concept, and would love to see it happen. Some ideas I had to hopefully curtail some of the "problems" with cart rides:



1: Use the stock textures but design new animations, and tweak the mesh as needed to allow for the best possible animation.

2: Make the the side rails on the back of the cart act as chairs more or less, to avoid issues with sliding, make it where the carriage ONLY moves if you are seated.

3: If a hostile comes near the carriage, it stops, the driver dismounts and attacks, you also have the option to dismount and attack.

4: When you pay for a carriage ride, you have the option of going it solo, or hiring guards for said caravan at a higher rate, who will then ride with you to protect the cart.

5: To avoid collision issues on narrow roads with multiple carriages, simply add a script trigger to those narrow passes and bridges that turn on when the carriage enters, and turns off when it leaves, and any other carriage that hits that trigger has to wait until it's off again, thus knowing they have enough room to proceed.

6: While I haven't looked, pathfinding may be a problem for carts in some cases, so certain roads may need to be slightly tweaked, though main roads should be fine.

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Some ideas i would second anytime.

Not sure about the new animation though,there has to be at least some animations already from the intro or am I wrong here?



I'm pretty sure the intro has the wheels animated...and if watch the video above of a mount pulling a cart, the wheels are animated, so I don't see that as an issue.

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