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new vegas bounties Sweet revenge revolver animation fix


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hello everyone, can someone please rig the unique revolver sweet revenge from new vegas bounties, to use the 357 hammer animation please, it really bothers me that the gun have no movement whatsoever when shot. i would really appreciate it. i also use the weapon animation replacer war mod, don't know if it could interfere but would be nice if the could work together.

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hello everyone, can someone please rig the unique revolver sweet revenge from new vegas bounties, to use the 357 hammer animation please,

I think we are kinda stuck with only the author fixing it, unless he gives someone permission to work on his/her mod (or it has open permissions which I'm guessing bounties doesn't).

You could always PM him/her and see if the author can tweak it or give permission for someone else to.

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hello everyone, can someone please rig the unique revolver sweet revenge from new vegas bounties, to use the 357 hammer animation please,

I think we are kinda stuck with only the author fixing it, unless he gives someone permission to work on his/her mod (or it has open permissions which I'm guessing bounties doesn't).

You could always PM him/her and see if the author can tweak it or give permission for someone else to.


ill try, thank you for the hint.

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