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REQ: Robotech Valkyrie-style Jetpack and/or Power Armor


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I lack the mesh skills to do this myself, but I think a really cool mod idea would be to make the power armor jetpacks look like the one on Robotech's Valkyrie fighters, or the original Jetfire from Transformers.


For that matter, why not a suit of power armor that has an overall Robotech feel to it, with the Optimus Prime-looking faceguard and "ears" and everything...

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eggzzzsalent.... i just cant stand to re-watch it cause of how jenkey it is today but when i was a kid the base story was enough to stick with me as one of the better written... i wanna do it but im afraid while i can do textures im still trying to find a way to do meshes (i im trying to work on plug suits from evangelion right now and had an idea for a angles of the wasteland thing lol. but yeah if it gains o more interest and i get good enough i'll jump on board.

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Transforming or not this would be a cool mod. I collect armors and weapons and would love a veritech in my collection. Can't do it but would love to see it. Or the cyclone for that mattrer. That would be a cool PA.

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