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F or M Voice Actor Required for Mod Intro Cutscene


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Hello, I am working on a mod for Skyrim which is a bandit settlement hidden within the mountains. So, It is more of a voice over, I don't want the "announcer voice" if possible please. It is required just for the introduction cutscene, so it should be just a short clip. Please create it in a WAV or MP3 format and upload it to a site and link it to this page thanks. If you could, I would like it done like the "One Ring to Rule Them All" speech or Ron Perlman's voice for the Fallout series.


Remember that when you voice the dialogue, the settlement is a horrible place. It probably sounds cheesy but whatever. Don't be afraid to muck the words around as long as you don't change it too much.


"Home to murderer's, thieves, mercenaries and scum is "The Dwelling".


Many lost souls wander into the dwelling looking to join,

But more importantly, looking for a purpose to live.


The man in charge is the self appointed "Lord" Khan, who has been assembling his army of outcasts,

Seeking to gain control of Skyrim.


Rumour is, he is looking to recruit..."


Thanks for your interest. :D

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