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Quest topic response distance

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Is there any way to increase the distance at which an NPC will deliver their topic responses?


I'd like to make a mod which increases the range at which certain creature sound effects can be heard, just to add a bit of ambience to the game. However, I'm finding that responses used in dialogue quests don't play at all unless the player is very close to the NPC. Sounds used in .hkx animations also don't seem to be affected by updated sound descriptors.


I'm fairly baffled at this point, and I'd like to avoid any scripting.

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It's propably for game performance. Why say it and run processing power when player is out of range 99% times anyway.


You can do it for scenes with "prevent player exit dialogue" and/or dialogue distane override, but for topics like idles? Propably not unless there is some global setting to that distance. And even then, the sound disappears very fast and you only see subtitles if you force them on(could work with global setting).


Only thing I can think of is to check GameSettings in ck. There is one named: "fAIDialogueDistance", try adjust that, maybe it works. If it doesn't work, try filtering "dialogue" in game settings window and play with other variables.

Edited by vkz89q
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It's propably for game performance. Why say it and run processing power when player is out of range 99% times anyway.


You can do it for scenes with "prevent player exit dialogue" and/or dialogue distane override, but for topics like idles? Propably not unless there is some global setting to that distance. And even then, the sound disappears very fast and you only see subtitles if you force them on(could work with global setting).


Only thing I can think of is to check GameSettings in ck. There is one named: "fAIDialogueDistance", try adjust that, maybe it works. If it doesn't work, try filtering "dialogue" in game settings window and play with other variables.


Thank you. It turns out fAIDialogueDistance wasn't the correct value, but fAIIdleChatterDistance is.

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