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Locked/Unlocked Enchantment Identification


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Some kind of Icon added to the display information of Enchanted items to identify if you already have the Enchantment unlocked or not, this could help you decide if you want to purchase or keep hold of Enchanted items if you only want them for the Enchantment.


Just something simple like a open or closed lock icon been displayed to indicate if you already know the Enchantment.

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Just thought should anyone feel up for making this Mod then the same feature could be added to spells to identify if you already have the spell or not.


The benefit of this would be when you are looking through different spells to purchase in shops you would always be able to see if you already have the spell or not, which could save time having to come out of the shop to check your Magic inventory to see if you already have the spell you where interested in buying, or buying a spell you already own and wasting Gold.

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