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Is there a way to override vanilla textures with new ones?


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Let's say there are three texture files in "Fallout1 - Textures1.ba2". Let them be "TurretFreeStanding_d.dds", ""TurretFreeStanding_n.dds" and "TurretFreeStanding_s.dds"; they have a path "\Textures\Actors\TurretFreeStanding\" inside of this package. And let's say I've made new "TurretFreeStanding_d.dds", ""TurretFreeStanding_n.dds" and "TurretFreeStanding_s.dds" and put them into my working folder, following the same path. I know, that I can put this folder into game's "Data" folder and they will replace vanilla ones inside of the package, but this option doesn't suit my needs and objectives. Is there a way to create some sort of .esp file alongside with new .ba2 package with my textures inside that will override these vanilla textures like some sort of a patch?

P.S.: It seems like I've put this topic into the wrong thread. I hope moderator will forgive my misstep.

Edited by RandomUnit
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