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What is Making my Game so Ugly?


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I'm not gonna pretend like I know an exceptional amount about computers, so i'm going straight here for help. I have the game running at 1080p, Ultra settings, and have no stability issues. I've never had it crash...except that one time I had too much fun with the portal gun. But outside of me simply doing ridiculous things, I can play for hours on end without any issues at all. I do have this one nagging bellyache. If you look at this picture, you'll notice that around the edge of my character, and along the rails of the bridge, there is this really weird and crappy blurring effect going on. Its most noticeable during sunrise and sunset. During midday, its still there, but not nearly as severe. The mods I use that have an effect on lighting are ELFX, Darker Nights, and Vogue ENB. I don't think its the ENB, since turning it off and on has no effect on the ugly boxes. I guess the tweaks to fog done by Vivid Weathers and Radiant Clouds and Fog, could have an effect, i honestly don't know. I imagine there's gotta be someone here who can identify the issue. I appreciate any help given! If there are any questions for me, I'll do my best to answer them.

Thank You

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It's not an ENB causing that effect, it's a known problem usually caused by having godrays set to anything lower than ultra. I'd highly recommend you should try this mod as it'll give you great looking godrays with less of a performance hit... and no pixellation.

Edited by AGreatWeight
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