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Septims & Gold


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The monetary system in game could be expanded quite a bit I reckon.


First off, septims in game are actually called gold, so that should be renamed. Septims/gold should also be capable of being dropped.

You see coin purses all around but your player has never heard of them. They should be a container item, where for example you can

place septims inside [say 50] and then while in the inventory you can extract however many septims from the coin purse as possible.

All that gold [septims] must weigh something, so I think weight should be added to them.


Maybe even using gold ore/ingots to produce counterfeit septims. Melt down the septims to produce gold ore. Gold weapons and armour?

Add cutpurses and pickpockets to the game to the game to steal yours and other characters gold if they have any. Maybe even different coins

so gold septims could equal 10 iron septims or 2 silver septims. Maybe even add banks like a mod of oblivion did.

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