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ENB bug


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Good evening, the problem with enb
I installed different versions, and different sets, but in all those present a black bar at the bottom. In some sets it is more transparent, in some kind of blacker nowhere.
The fact that the top is written, I put 0 and 100, does not work. I generally deleted this file.
There are fashion on the grass, texture 2k, but with their shutdown nothing changes. Mods I install using the mod organizer.

Sorry of my english i used google translit.

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The red error message in your screenshot tells you, that ENB isn't enabled.


Open your "Skyrimprefs.ini".

Under "[Display]", add this line:



Now ENB should work.


The black (or rather brown) bar is strange anyway. Honestly, I've never seen something like this before. Are you using any mods for first person perspective?

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