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Does anyone have a NGP save, non deluxe that isn't level 100+?


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I was gonna start NGP but when I launched Andromeda I accidentally used my local saves instead of cloud, basically losing my end game. So I was wondering if anyone has a relatively normal level, NGP save that isn't on the deluxe edition? I would greatly appreciate it.

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Is there a difference between the Deluxe Edition saves and Standard? I have a basic End Game Save Deluxe Edition -- somewhere, IF you can use it just let me know and I'll hunt it down and upload it.

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Sadly because I have the standard edition I can't load up a deluxe edition save, even in NGP. It really sucks.

I feel for you... I feel that I wasted my money on the Deluxe Edition... the Pioneer Weapon Series cap out at 5, seen a 6 drop once, but only had 2 mod slots. They are great for a New Player, but are inventory trash at this point. You cannot research them to make them better either. The pet Pyjak is a nuisance/noise maker and serves no function except to make noise when you are trying to hear random conversations. The ONLY benefit I saw was from Scavenger Armor, which has a +10% Sell Buff. All that Deep Space gear was pretty much a Wash as well. Just glad I didn't go all the way to the Collectors Version or whatever it's called.

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