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Flushing out a realistic trade/economy system


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This is very, very much WIP.


This is more of a idea thread for myself, but anyways:


Goal - implement realistic supply and demand into skyrim. This will be in conjunction with a possible banking / futures-based commodity exchange idea (i.e. capital required to actually fund these businesses).


Basic commodities:


Iron Ore

Steel Ore

Malachite Ore

Ebony Ore

Iron Ingot

Steel Ingot

Malachite Ingot

Ebony Ingot






Guards (L)

Guards (H)






Farming tools

Smithing tools

Weapons (low)

Weapons (high)

Armors (low)

Armors (high)


General rules:


All "products" consume a worker and possibly a tool. E.g. to make 5 Iron Ores, 0.2 pickages and 0.1 miners are required.

All workers require food (fruit, grains) and possibly other products.

All tools are made with products.

Workers/tools/products are consumed either through trade or random in game things (e.g. bandit raids).




All outputs (positive values) are adjusted by a productivity factor. Default is =1.

Guards increase productivity of an enterprise by 25% (L) and 50% (H).

Guards are depleted by random bandit raids, attacks, etc.

Rational actors will hire a guard if expected benefit (0.25*(revenue-expenses)) > expected cost.

Bandit attacks decrease productivity by a max of 50%.

Productivity slowly recovers spontaneously, faster w/ guard.


Supply and demand matrix:




Products are down the columns.

Resources required to make products in rows (negative = consumed, positive = produced).


No idea if the model is stable as is. (I can almost guarantee that it isn't, currently). Will need simulations.


I was thinking of setting up some Monte Carlo simulations in excel, but that will take ... quite some time to do.

Edited by jimhsu
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