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Portable Item Sorter.


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One of my greatest pleasures is getting home and taking off ones outer clothes and emptying my pockets of my Keys, Phone, Wallet etc to lounge about the house in my robe. Feels good to relax.


I apply this to my game-play because sleeping in a suit of Power Armour wouldn't be my idea of fun.


Now, I have a few different homes and bases around the Capital Wasteland. One of them has a Inventory sorter and I have fallen in love with the device. As a result my other bases seem to lack this.


Then i remembered the Vault-Tec Experimental Dimensional Safe Mod that allows the storage of many items into a portable form. And it occurred to me that there are also players who may use the portable housing, like a tent to in world. Wouldn't a portable inventory sorter be a handy thing?


An option to remove all items from inventory at once and it gets sorted to the appropriate category.

It would also be useful for player homes that don't use Item sorters. It would save time taking each item off at once.


Just an idea.



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