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2 Simple ( I think D: ) Requests


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Hi ! This is my very first mod request after playing 160 hours of skyrim give it or take it and I have just 2 very simple requests to make D:.




Allow magic to be cast while holding a bow. This is very simple in idle you only see the bow right ? so the right hand is basically free to cast a spell in between shots. this would make life for archers a whole deal better. And (I obviously know nothing about modding) I think it's very doable.





When you press tab and the ingame menu appears and you have magic in the left and inventory in the right, you press magic and the tab appears in the right and you press inventory and the tab appears in the opposite side, couldn't it be like Magic in left arrow > tab in left side ; Inventory in right arrow > tab in the right side.




Thank you, and I sincerely hope you can make these mods happen 3:

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I don't think I can make these happen but I'm here to share what I think.First off,I think these are good and useful ideas,BUT,for the bow part,


I just think spamming arrows with a bow and casting fireballs at enemies would make you a terminator.. 0_o especially if you focus on destruction and archery.What about using magic to enchant the arrows? You use a fire spell on the arrow,it's a burning arrow, +x fire damage,etc.You could use the environment too,like,there's fire coming out of a wall,you shoot an arrow through it and get bonus damage. :P


Still love both of your ideas.

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if you were to implement it that way you could change the effect of the arrow depending on the type of spell that you have in the right hand like say you have a flame spell it becomes a flaming arrow or cold spell becomes like a freezing arrow and a lightning spell makes a lightning arrow and if you wanna go really jenky you could possibly make it so you can equip a restoration spell and when you shoot allies with it it heals them
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