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Leafs and snow is 'light' in dark areas[SS]


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So as the title hints my snow is glowing, in the night, as if it were day, which is slightly annoying. The same goes fore most leafs and such. I don't know if i am the only one with the problem or if there are anyone else annoyed by the same, or even if there is a mod out there to fix this. To clarify, i use some retexturing mods for both snow and leafs, and i wonder if they kinda screws it up or if it is like this in the 'unmodded' game too. Also it might be noteworthy to tell that i'm using 'Realistic Lighting' - so the nights look darker. I don't know what causes this problem, if this is the right forum and if it is fixable as a mod or if it is caused by mods, so really, any help is appreciated :)




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