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The cave of treasures: a modding resource and communal project


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A simple idea (I think) for a place for us to store our vast wealth later in game. whilst a house is a nice place to store items you might need access to, what about the stuff that you keep for decoration? The basic idea here is a massive Museum (similar to the one in the mod mentioned below) which would have several mannequins etc. but also statues would be added after completing certain quests, much like in the shivering isles. so for instance after completing the daedric quest for clavacis vile, a statue of him would appear on a pedestal, where you could activate it to have it hold the actual mask, or a statue of ysgrimor that would hold wuthrund and even a statue of alduin after his defeat. Perhaps some displays for more misc quest could be added, like after saving the tree in whitrun, a tiny gilder green would appear in the museum, which would hold the dagger used in the quest, the possibility's are almost limitless, but if someone would be so kind as to simply create the first room of the museum, it would be a great start, maybe just a door in the side of a mountain, so no exterior need to be created, maybe even the throat of the world? :)


Thanks for reading through that, It's as short and sweet as I could manage. on one final note, apologies for the title, this was originally a rather different idea, hopefully a admin can change it :)

Edited by HatterMaster
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