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Major Clipping Issue Outside Makes game nearly unplayable


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So recently I bought Skyrim for PC after loving the Xbox version and hearing about the creation kit however I've come across a fatal problem--when I'm wandering around outside, big gray or green stretches of nothingness (they appear to be the extensions of trees and rocks but I've also found big splotches that look like huge, 2D flowers or flora) seem to extend from nearly everywhere and although one can walk through them, they obstruct the view and make roaming around the outside parts of skyrim very difficult. The best advice anyone has managed to give me is to uninstall, reinstall, then create a new character but this hasn't worked at all. I've tried both reinstalling from the disk and from Steam. The game runs super smooth and without lag so hopefully this issue can be resolved so as I can actually play! Any and all help would be appreciated! I've posted the link to some screenshots of the issue taken in both ultra and low details (I usually play in high but I thought I'd show that the issue exists in both extremes.)

Computer Specs:

WIndows 7 Home Premium 64 bit


Intel ® Core i5 CPU M480 @ 2.67GHz

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6550

Some screenshots of the issue: (I can take more if it'd help)


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What in the world... I saw some other people having the exact same issue, I only experienced it once with a super-stretchy book (it streched all the way from the Whiterun entrance to the Western watchtower). I really have no idea what can cause this because it looks like the models themselves stretch and deform in some weird ways.


EDIT: I found some suggestions on how to fix the problem in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/457121-skyrim-textures-stretching-warping-unplayable/page__st__40


Some suggestions there work for some people, don't work for others but I think it's worth a try.

Edited by Werne
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Hmm, most of their suggestions seem to involve updating drivers and such but that was one of the first things i checked however there was something about the Catalyst Control Center in there fixing some problems so maybe I'll try that. Thanks! I'll let you know if it does anything for me. (After I figure out actually how to do what Acrylia suggested of course)


Edit: Resetting the CCC to factory settings through it's preference screen solved the problem! Thank you very much for your help!

Edited by Zappingstar
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