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New to modding, need assisstance.


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Hey all,


I recently wiped my laptop and decided to install FONV for the fun of modding it and playing it in a new way by modding it. I spent about two hours downloading all the packages,

starting & checking if they worked, etc, until finally I had everything installed. When I booted, only about half of the stuff worked. I don't know much about load order or why these would not work.

I used FOMM, NVSE, and the Archive Invalidation tool (which I'm not sure whether it worked or not)


Now I know it is a heavy task but would someone be willing to give me some kind of tutorial on how I would install these in the correct order and if any special instructions are needed for them (using FOMM)?

These mods are all from the top 100:


NMC's Texture Pack (Only some worked, buildings/outside textures didn't seem to work at all.)

Project NV (This worked for sure)

EVE (Enhanced visual effects) ( And the associated blood pack/weapon mod pack detailed on the mod page)

NV Error correction and bug fixes

Nevada Skies


I'd really appreciate it, though I know it is a very large subject.

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