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an idea that I had while talking to a friend (since I doubt I'd be able to mod, myself, I would like the share the idea, so that maybe it could come true one day)


basically the idea stemed from this


when you are about to kill an enemy (like when they're all like "mercy!" and those other phrases they use to beg for mercy) you should have the option to either, allow them to live (which makes their AI run away from you, some would come back as usual when their HP is back up, if it matches their character, like thieves, etc) since I disliked how everyone's a coward and starts attacking you again when their HP is back up


but from that thought my idea branched into, what if you could recruit them?


anyways here's the "idea"


When then enemy is at the point of defeat (not dead) you should have the option to use the action key on them and be given the choices of

  • Flee (lets them go)
  • Recruit (turn them into a "custom companion")
  • Kill (triggers a finisher type of animation)


or if it might be better instead of given choices, it turns into sort of a conversation and you have options to say things like

  • "Fine, I will allow you to live, do not let me see you again"
  • "I will allow you to live, if you serve me"
  • "Die, scum"

(ideally, I this would be personalized in a menu)


then to go with this idea there should be a "guild house" or barracks of sorts where all these recruits would go to

and there you should be allowed to

  • change name of the companion (only once)
  • change gear of the companion


so yeah, that's the basic idea there


edit: forgot to add, to make the most use out of this idea, these particular followers do not have a follower limit (so that you can basically make a party and raid a dungeon, or have your own personal army, but it's also a way to "RP" starting your own guild I guess)

Edited by Seviraph
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