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Turn npc into follower after quest


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Hi, i know already how to make a follower and how to turn a vanilla npc into a follower, however, i don't know yet how to make a npc be avaliable only after a circunstance.


Do anyone know a tutorial that explains more or less how to do it, or have a small time to explain to me?


For example, i want to make Shahvee have the "Follow me" after you complete the quest "Shahvee's Amulet" (And yes, it's possible to make a female argonian follower with female argonian voice).


thanks, sorry for bad english.

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Set for the follow me dialog a simple condition like GetQuestCompleted or, if you will be sure, that the player has the quest completed: GetStageDone - QuestName - Stage. So the follow dialog will only show up if the condition matches.

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